How to Win a Sale from Scratch: Insights from Dawid Uliasz University


Starting from scratch in sales can feel overwhelming, but at Dawid Uliasz University, we believe anyone can master the art of selling with the right approach. Here’s how you can go from zero to sales hero.

Understand Your Product

First things first: know what you’re selling inside and out. Understand its features, benefits, and what makes it unique. This knowledge will boost your confidence and help you communicate effectively with potential customers.

Identify Your Ideal Customer

Who exactly needs what you’re selling? Knowing your target market is crucial. Think about their needs, desires, and pain points. When you understand your customer, you can tailor your sales pitch to resonate with them.

Build Genuine Relationships

Sales aren’t just about transactions; they’re about building relationships. Take the time to connect with potential customers genuinely. Show interest in their lives and businesses. Listen more than you talk. Building trust is key to making a sale.

Use Free Resources

When you’re starting out, you might not have a big budget for marketing. Use free resources like social media, networking events, and online forums. Share valuable content that showcases your expertise and draws people to you.

Stay Persistent

You’ll face rejection. It’s part of the game. Don’t let it get you down. Each “no” is a step closer to a “yes.” Learn from each experience, refine your approach, and keep pushing forward.

Keep Learning

The world of sales is always changing. Stay ahead by continuously learning. At Dawid Uliasz University, we offer courses that teach the latest sales techniques and strategies. Invest in your education to stay competitive.

Your Life Experiences Can Teach You to Win

Life itself can be the best teacher when it comes to sales. Here’s how your experiences can help you succeed:

Resilience from Adversity

Life’s challenges build resilience. In sales, you’ll face many setbacks. Use your past experiences of overcoming obstacles to fuel your determination and persistence.

Empathy and Understanding

Dealing with different people and situations enhances your empathy. In sales, understanding your customer’s needs and problems can set you apart from those who only focus on closing deals.

Communication Skills

Everyday interactions help hone your communication skills. Use these skills to convey your sales message clearly and persuasively.

Problem-Solving Abilities

Life throws problems at us all the time. Being able to think on your feet and solve issues is invaluable in sales. When you face customer objections or challenges, your problem-solving skills will help you succeed.

Passion and Drive

Your passions and dreams drive you forward. Channel this energy into your sales efforts. When you’re passionate about what you’re selling, it shows. Your enthusiasm can be the deciding factor for a potential customer.


At Dawid Uliasz University, we believe that everyone has the potential to succeed in sales, no matter where they start. By leveraging your life experiences and adopting the right strategies, you can turn your sales journey into a success story. Embrace the process, stay dedicated, and watch yourself win the sales game.