My Story

My name is Dawid Uliasz and I will teach you how to make really good money. 

In order for us to trust each other, you need to know some facts from my life that have got me to where I am today.




My life has always been intense: for 10 years I played for the Arka Gdynia football club, because nothing shapes character like sport. My first Coach was my uncle. He was the one who said I could be the best. I was 8 years old when I hit a ball filled with water.

I initially played on the pitch under my block of flats, with boys older than myself. They didn't want to play with me, but I persisted and eventually I was able to play with them. 


Do you know what this means for you? That it doesn't matter how old you are or where you're from - if you have determination, you can achieve any goal. 

One day, when I was playing football behind the house, my friend Staszek approached me and told me to join Bałtyk Gdynia. I didn't know what to think about it. So Staszek signed me up without my knowledge: the next day I went to a training with him in borrowed shoes. The coach trusted me, I played with those born in '91 and '90, although I am from '92. After a year I went to my first training session at Arka Gdynia. I remember him perfectly - I knew how to nod to anyone and there was no one who could take the ball away from me. I remember being very selfish at the time. The coach really wanted me to join the Arka Gdynia SI team, but the coach from Bałtyk did not want to give me away.


 Do you know what is important? People who were with you when you had nothing.  


In the end, I ended up at Arka Gdynia. I had the strongest shot and was the fastest at 100 metres. But I was also a young boy, and soon there were parties, alcohol and bad company. Over time, the coach stopped putting me on the team because I showed up lacking sleep and tired. I gave football up.  


 Falls happen on every road. The important thing is that you want to pick yourself up and get up stronger.  


I remember that even then I really wanted to make money. I organised team-building events, hired a club and sold tickets. I learned how to talk to managers, I got my first contacts. I handed out leaflets myself. I was focused on making money and achieving my goals. 

Of course, it didn't go hand in hand with school, but I finished junior high school, and the coach suggested the STO Gdynia Secondary School.


The beginnings were difficult, I didn't study, I messed up my deadlines. Eventually, I woke up in the second grade thanks to my grandmother. She knew what she was talking about, there were 5 of us living in one room at that time.


  It doesn't matter where you are from, but where you are going.  


I set my sights on learning and development. I said goodbye to Arka Gdynia because proper training excluded the possibility of gaining knowledge. It was very hard for me, but I felt I had chosen well. 




Initially, I wanted to be a lawyer. I thought about it for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that I would go for what was more accessible to me. I found logistics and forwarding studies at the WSB University. I studied every day, for many hours. I specifically sat in the first raw so that I would have support in case I wasn't learning fast enough. This is how I met Paweł, to whom I will always be grateful. 

Aim high, but assess your potential. Use everything you have and think soberly. 

In order not to waste time and to be able to concentrate, I slept in the kitchen. It was a hard time, but I remembered exactly where I didn't want to be in life. Do you sometimes have these thoughts too? 

I studied so hard that I ended up getting an academic scholarship. 


  Sometimes we find the directions not towards our goal, but against what we no longer want to be.  




Right after university I met my friend Grzegorz. Friendship is a powerful force - because it is built on trust. I remember that after a short conversation, we decided to buy a one-way ticket to London. We were drawn to this huge city, we wanted to work. We ended up in the small town of Southwater, with £50 in our pockets and very poor English. All in all, we were only able to say a few basic sentences. We got a job but had nowhere to sleep. The time spent in England gave me a lot, I worked in many different places, I was a waiter, an employee in the production of DADC records, an employee of a cosmetics wholesaler. It was a difficult time when I learned mainly from people: language, behaviour, relationships. That they may have different attitudes towards me. I knew I would learn the most from them - good and bad. I opted for an intensive English language course. I understood why it was so difficult to trust a compatriot abroad. And that one must never allow oneself to be humiliated. 

Having worked abroad for many years, in addition to learning the language, experience and competence, I have come to understand the importance of relationships in life and business. 


Show me your friends and I will show you the future


 PIU BEAUTY: first own brand  

I have always wanted to have my own business. Working in a cosmetics wholesaler helped me decide what industry I wanted to pursue. After many failures in working abroad (after England, I went to the Netherlands and finally came back home completely broke), I met someone who put his trust in me. For my first brand I borrowed the money. P comes from the surname of my friend, Grzegorz. U is the letter of my surname. This is how Piu Beauty / more beauty was born. I added a small dash to the sign to make the name stand out in detail. I dealt with everything in this company: ordering and receiving goods, marketing, relations, sales. Everything. Of course, I wouldn't have done it without the people who supported me. My mum, a few other people, a friend of mine.  I experienced flooding of the room (all the goods destroyed) and many difficult moments. I also remember the evenings when we did orders of €200K each.

Today the brand is doing well and has a global reach - in line with the principle "Think globally, not locally"



'Aim for the moon, because even if you miss, you'll be among the stars'.. "

Patrick Süskind

  BELLEZZA EUROPE: E-commerce  


The challenge with Bellezza Europe, a brand that was intended to have a global reach, was that I had to rearrange the entire structure and find a name. I have worked for a long time on the current shape of the brand, I have replaced almost 40 developers, in three years I have turned over approx. 30 people.

Think globally - this is how the greatest ideas are created





  Where am I today?   

We come to the moment that you are the most interested in. Why do I train people at all? 

Let's be honest - I've earned my money. They make me live comfortably and allow me to focus on other things in life. I'm a protagonist and that means I need challenges and I like to share knowledge. I have trained dozens of salespeople who have started earning ten times more. 

Now I want to train people (globally), who have a similar path ahead of them as I once had. And I want to make this path easier. I will show you how to make decent, honest money. No tricks, scams or shady business. I will show you how to bring out your potential. I guarantee you that I will change your approach to life and money. But I require your commitment, determination and discipline. 


If you want to buy a book you will never open - forget about me.

If you sign up for a course and never have time to come or open the link - forget about it.


I am looking for people like me: starting from scratch or basics and with a great hunger for growth, life and business success. If you think this is you, contact me.

Let's start a new chapter of your story.