Finding time for vacation is extremely important for anyone running a business. Constant work and the pressure of managing a company can lead to burnout and fatigue. That's why it's so important to find time to rest and regenerate.

During the holidays, we can break away from everyday duties, cut ourselves off from stressful situations and take care of our mental and physical health. Rest allows us to recharge the batteries, relax and gain new energy to act when we return to work.

Moreover, holidays give us the opportunity to spend time with family and friends whom we often do not have the opportunity to meet due to our busy professional lives. It is also an excellent opportunity to explore new places, cultures and experiences that can broaden our horizons and inspire us to new ideas and activities.

Therefore, it is important to regularly plan time for holidays and consciously use this time for yourself. Not only will this improve our well-being and effectiveness at work, but it will also help us maintain work-life balance, which is crucial to our health and success.

When I'm on vacation, I try to keep my business running by using various technological tools. Thanks to them, I can still be in contact with employees, clients and business partners, solve current problems and make important decisions. Additionally, I delegate responsibilities and authorities to my trusted employees who can make decisions on my behalf in the event of an emergency.

When I go on vacation, I also try to prepare appropriate procedures and instructions for my employees in advance so that they can continue working without any problems in my absence. Additionally, I use programs to monitor the team's work, thanks to which I can track the progress of projects and company activities even while remotely.

I also always try to adjust my vacation schedule so that it does not conflict with important dates in my business, such as meetings or negotiations. If necessary, I am prepared to return to work urgently and make decisions in emergency situations.

In this way, by using modern technologies, delegating responsibilities and planning holidays carefully, I am able to run my business even while on vacation, while enjoying a well-deserved rest.


One way to combine business and vacation is to choose the right place for vacation, which will also allow you to continue working. Modern technologies allow you to work remotely from anywhere in the world, so you can use the time while traveling to relax and at the same time perform your duties effectively.

In addition, many hotels and resorts offer special business packages that allow you to organize conferences, meetings or training during your holidays. Thanks to this, you can combine business with pleasure, benefiting from both relaxation and professional development.

Therefore, combining business and holidays is possible and it is worth considering such a solution not only to relax and recharge your batteries, but also to develop your career and gain new professional experience.